Wednesday, November 11, 2009


So, Ella's sick. Here are a few funny things we have heard from her:

How ya feeling little girl?
Not good.
Wanna go home and cuddle on the couch?
Yes. Will you make me some soup?
Yes, Ma'am!
*a few seconds later*
Um, Hilwe I'm sick so I should get to do what I want.
What do you want to do? I thought you wanted to cuddle on the couch and eat soup?
Go to Build-a-Bear workshop

On the phone with her Mommy:
Hey Mommy! My sickness is going down!
Your fever. Silly.
Yeah, Mommy my fever.

Her temperature is now 96.4 -- This is a good sign.

kiss kiss.

Monday, November 9, 2009

by ella

fabulous girl i have a boyfriend i have a baby sister coming nora

I helped her spell it - but she typed it herself. Smartie.

kiss kiss.

This afternoon

We were driving home from school today and I saw a pretty house.

Oh! Look at that pretty home! Wow!
It is pretty. I want to kiss it all over!

We also worked on a crazy hat for CrAzY hAt DaY! Here are the photos:

The Front has a face with smoochy lips, googly eyes, and a blue nose. It also has earrings with bells and a necklace with a bell.

The back has curly crazy hair and her name spelled in glittery different colored balls. Not to mention the yellow gerbera daisies on the top.

She thinks it's awesome and so do I.

kiss kiss.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

A girl!

This is an older story - but I think it should be posted.

Back on Oct 22nd we found out what kind of baby we are having in February. When I picked Ella up from school I got her all buckled in and we went on down the road. I told her after a few minutes in the car:

Guess what daddy and I did today?
We found out what kind of baby we're having!
Oh. My. Gosh. What is it?
Well, what do you think?
It's a girl. (very matter of fact)
You're right! Isn't that great?
Yeah! You know, Hilwe. Maybe should give her that dress.
What dress?
The one you got me for Easter. I don't like it.

kiss kiss.

It's all your fault Hilwe!

So, I just spent what seemed like the better part of my life curling Ella's hair. The curls immediately fell out, and:

It's all your fault Hilwe!
Why? I did the exact same thing to yours as mine.
No! You didn't put it in *these*.
Little girl those are just Velcro rollers. All they do it separate my hair.
Well! You didn't separate mine! And it's not curly. You did a bad job!
Oh come on! Do you even know what separate means?
Um, no. But I want it.

kiss kiss.

Working from home

Today I am working from home. My company is doing a small conversion (as opposed to the giant conversion we did a couple weeks back) and this one is awful. Ella is here with me. She has proceeded to ask how much longer approximately every 15 minutes for the last 3 hours.

I had to let Lilly the bulldog out a little bit ago and as soon as Ella saw me she said:
Are you done?!?!?
No baby.
How much longer?
Well, about 2 and a half hours. It's only been about 5 minutes since the last time you asked. I'm sorry. Go watch more Spongebob.
Oh. My. Gosh. I can't take this anymore!
Can't take what anymore?
You having to work. Just tell them you quit.

kiss kiss.

Thanksgiving and Christmas list-Version 1

Um, Hilwe? At Thanksgiving we're gonna have this giant chicken. Like *this* big.
Oh, Turkey?
Yeah! That's it!

So, Ella what do you want Santa to bring you?
A real phone, a snuggie, roller skates for my horse. Lot's of things. What do you want Hilwe?
Oh, thanks for asking, I want a Pandora bracelet.
What's that?
It's a cool bracelet you can put charms on.
Oh! I have that at Nay-Nay's. Maybe you an have that one. Um, and maybe you should make a list because, in case, your presents are expensive.

kiss kiss.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Prayer - Episode One

Well, Ella is the best pray-er. Here are a few selections from recent times:

At Mama Norma's a couple months ago:

Dear God,
Thank you for this day and for this food, but tomorrow can it not rain? I want to go swimming.

Dear God,
Thanks for the Day.

Dear God,
Please let the Doctor just put a bandage on Luke's head so that he may feel better and come to Red Robin.
Oh and God,
I'm sorry Luke is hurt.

kiss kiss.

A Golden Roller Skate

On the way to the mall, after school:

Um, Hilwe?
Why did you buy this car?
(aside - I drive a '09 Nissan Versa hatchback)
Well, baby, I needed a car that had 4 doors and was small, but still had some room and had a hatchback. I love hatchbacks.
Oh, well you want something bigger?
Yes, someday I want a mini van. Maybe after Nora comes.
Oh, no, Hilwe! I want this car. Can't you and Dada keep the roller skate 'til I grow big?
Maybe - but how about this, even if I get a different car, we will buy you one just like this?
Ok! Or we could build one.
Oh, with clay or something?
Yeah, and wheels. I've never built anything. But can mine be golden instead of grey? Girls have golden cars.
And flowers?
Yes, baby, and flowers.

Once we arrive at the mall:

Ooooh! Hilwe! Look at that car!
That one? The yellow Mustang with blue flames?
Yeah! It's awesome! But, you know what? I bet it's a boy car. Because girls have golden ones, with flowers.

kiss kiss.

My horse had a bad dream

Tonight we were riding along in the car. We were on the way home from dinner with friends at Red Robin. Here is a story that was told:

Um, Hilwe?
The other night my horse had a bad dream. She came into my room and was so upset.
What was the dream about?
Well, she was dreaming there were monsters eating her.
Was she jello? Glue?
Uh, no - What is your brain thinking?
Nothing *smile* Go on.
Well she was crying so hard, she had, like big tears....
Crocodile Tears?
Yes, um except there was one that looked like a flower and one like a moon. It was awesome.

kiss kiss.

100 is the biggest number

Hi! I'm Hilwe and I am Ella's friend. I am married to her dada.

I want to document her story telling. Most times they are awesome.

First of all, You need to know that One Hundred is the biggest number.

If she loves you 100, you are pretty special.

kiss kiss.