Thursday, September 30, 2010

Sister Love

Nora is so in love with her sissy that Monday at lunch with Rachel, Sarah, Jeff, and baby Helen she got extra excited when Helen said "Sissy" talking to her Auntie Sissy aka Sarah. Thank goodness Ella came Tuesday night.


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Two Fridays ago I dropped Ella off at school. When we arrived she hopped out, kissed me on the cheek like a girlfriend, and said "kiss kiss Hills, have a good day at work!"

It was one of those moments that makes being a step-mom so cool.

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Thursday, September 23, 2010

Getting Baptized

Last Friday when I picked Ella up from school she told me a girl in her class was getting baptized on Sunday.

Obviously I wanted to know if Ella knew what this meant.

Me: What does being baptized mean, Ella?
Ella: It means that you get dunked into the water and when you come out all your sins are washed away and you have a new life.
Me: Well! That is an impressive answer. You got it all under control, huh?
Ella: Yep, and I really want to get baptized too. Can I get baptized this Sunday too, Hilwe?
Me: Well honeybee, I bet your Mommy will want to be there...Soooo, maybe we should wait. And, you know you have to ask Jesus to be your savior first too.
Ella: Oh Hilwe! I do that all the time. See, Dear Jesus, will you come into my heart? Ok? Ok!
Me: Oh! Ok, well I am glad you have done that!
Ella: Yeah, so can I get Baptized, because I want a new life. I don't really like this one.
Me: *shocked and sad* What don't you like about your life, Ella?
Ella: Well, to begin with -- I want to see Kristopher and Geneva more. AND - I want to eat Ice Cream all the time.
Me: Oh! Is that all? *smiles*
Ella: No! I also want a new house and Nora, she screams a lot so maybe if she would quit.


Saturday, September 4, 2010

Looking like an Angel

Going out of town

Last weekend Prince C, Ella, and Nora went to see Mammoie while I stayed home to shoot a wedding. On Friday before they left I was telling Ella I was really going to miss them.

Ella: Oh, Hilwe! Give. Me. A. Break.
Frootie!: What?
Ella: Well, you are not going to miss us. You can totally party it up!
Frootie!: Who am I going to party it up with?
Ella: Well, like your friends, duh.
Frootie!: I don't really have friends. I am going to be awfully lonely.
Ella: Why don't you call the other Hilwe and see if you can spend the night? That would be fun.
Frootie!: Alright, I see your point. Maybe I will see if she wants to see a chick flick with me on Sunday....
